First Harvests

It happened today! The first harvests from my little veg patch. I have been waiting patiently all year. I planted my garlic and onions in the back end of 2022, nurtured my seeds since February, and have become increasingly impatient w.a.i.t.i.n.g!!!

Its not much. It really isn’t going to instantly make all my dreams of being self-sufficient(ish) come true in one foul swoop. It is a start though. I am coming to realise that if I want these dreams to become a reality I am going to have to do it little by little. Rome wasn’t built in a day, as they say.

I came home today laden with:

  • Two huge bags of onion leaves – yes, leaves from my onion plants…bear with me…
  • About 40 new potatoes
  • Four, yes, FOUR mangetout – hardly enough to sustain a slug, never mind feed me!

It does mean that today marks the beginning of 2023’s preserving season. my aim is to use and preserve as much of my harvest as humanly possible. I have spent so long nurturing these delicious little plants I couldn’t bear to waste any! So in the spirit of reducing waste, I am going to turn my beautiful onion leaves into onion powder that was grown, harvested, and preserved by little old me, rather than chucking them all on the compost heap. I am beyond excited to proudly pack this green powder into little jars, display them in my kitchen cupboards, and use it in yummy recipes in the weeks and months to come. I’ll add a post about this just as soon as it is finished in the dehydrator.

  1. melissaketodiet avatar

    This is amazing! I love reading about the first harvests of the season. It’s such a joy to see all the hard work pay off and have fresh, delicious produce to enjoy. Can’t wait to read more!
    Regard Mel

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    1. borageandbees avatar

      Thank you so much. I’m glad you enjoyed taking a look at my post. I, like you, love seeing what is going on in everyone’s gardens. I’m still quite new to this and I’m always blown away how good it all tastes.