Welcome to my blog!
My name is Rebekah and Borage and Beans is all about my journey to try and become self sufficient(ish). I have a small vegetable garden located in the North East of England (UK). I have wanted to start this journey for some time, however, this was severely hindered by the fact I only have a very tiny yard at home. I added myself to the waiting list for a local council allotment plot but those things are rarer than hens’ teeth where I am. I think I’m still number 234,128,579 on the list after 4 years!
Thankfully, my mum allowed me to take over part of her larger garden in 2022 to start my veggie growing adventure. I was given strict instructions to care for it and share the produce coming from it – it was a deal!
As my day job I work at a local University, stuck inside for the best part of the day but in my spare time I try to get to the vegetable garden as much as possible. I grow food for me and my family. I am growing organically and no-dig(ish) in raised beds. I try to preserve as much of my own food as I can and am learning many ways to do this.
I’m excited to share my journey with you. I welcome you to join me, read about my adventures, and share your journey with me too.